
  • Training Devices

    Visual-motor-sensory integration training uses various devices to appeal to a person’s senses, including touch, sound and smell. This type of therapy is particularly useful in children with autism. Devices may include play dough, rubber toys, weighted bells and blankets, water, rice, sand, beans, musical

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  • Traumatic Injury

    Accurate vision involves much more than good eye health. The brain integrates signals from the eyes with information from the motor, balance, and auditory systems to create an accurate view of the world. Following traumatic injury, one or more components of this complex system may be damaged. Receiving

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  • Types of Refractive Surgery

    There are several types of refractive surgery available to correct vision problems caused by refractive errors, including: LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) Custom or bladeless LASIK Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) Laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK) Epi-LASIK Conductive Keratoplasty

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  • UV Radiation and Your Eyes

    Optometry warnings about the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on our eyes have not yet reached the degree of public awareness of that of skin damage. Yet, the sun can be just as damaging upon our eyes with unprotected exposure. Short-term exposure to very bright sunlight can result in a type

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  • Uveitis

    Uveitis refers to the inflammation of the eye's middle layer, which consists of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. Several fungal, viral, or bacterial infections lead to uveitis, as do certain autoimmune (systemic) and inflammatory conditions. In most cases of uveitis, however, the exact cause is unknown. Types

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  • Viruses

    Herpes Zoster (Shingles) If you ever had chickenpox, you’re at higher risk of developing shingles later in life. Shingles can affect many parts of the body. If it travels to your eyes, your cornea can become inflamed and even scarred. Corneal damage might not be apparent until months after the shingles

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  • Vision Charities to Help You Give Back This Holiday Season

    Imagine trying to succeed at work at school if you could not see clearly. Unfortunately, that's the reality for far too many people in the world. Whether they cannot afford eye care, are blind or have a vision disability, poor eyesight makes life much more difficult. You can make a difference this holiday

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  • Vision Therapy Offers Advantages for Young Athletes

    Training is an important part of a young athlete's regimen, but sprints and drills are not the only way to improve performance. Vision therapy, an innovative treatment program designed to improve hand-eye coordination, visual memory and other vision skills, can give young athletes the edge they need

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  • Vision Therapy for Concussion Management

    You've probably read an article or seen a news report about professional athletes who suffer from post-concussion syndrome. Many of these athletes experienced problems after repeated falls or blows to the head during their careers. Unfortunately, the problem doesn't just affect people who've had multiple

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  • Vision Therapy: Not Just For Children

    Vision therapy is a doctor-supervised program that helps people of all ages improve their visual-motor skills. Therapy helps your eyes and brain work together better, even if you have perfect vision. For years, people believed that some types of eye conditions, such as lazy eye or crossed eyes, could

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  • Wandering Eye

    A wandering eye is a type of eye condition known as strabismus or tropia, and it may be caused by damage to the retina or muscles that control the eye, stroke or brain injury, or an uncorrected refractive error like farsightedness. With a wandering eye, one eye deviates or wanders in a different direction

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  • What Causes Dry Eye?

    If you have experienced scratchy, irritated eyes that are easily fatigued, you may have a medical condition called dry eye. Dry eye is characterized by inadequate tears to lubricate the eye surface and protect it. While some people dismiss dry eye as a minor irritation, it can be a sign of more significant

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  • What Contacts Will Work for Me?

    Although glasses are often a lower maintenance choice, many people choose to wear contacts for comfort or aesthetic reasons. Whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, contacts are a safe, easy way to correct your vision to 20/20. With a variety of options to choose from, getting contacts may seem confusing.

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  • What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Health?

    Subtle changes in your eyes may be the first signs of a health problem.

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  • What Does Dilating My Eyes Do?

    You may have heard the term "dilation" being used by your eye doctor or other patients who have had their eyes dilated during an exam. The dilation of your eyes is a very important part of a comprehensive examination because it helps your eye care provider get a clear picture of both your eye health

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  • What Is Astigmatism?

    Astigmatism is an extremely common eye condition that affects both children and adults. It occurs when there is an imperfection in some part of your cornea, the clear tissue that covers your iris. Light rays pass through the cornea as they travel to the retina, a thin layer of cells at the back of your

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